Add organization via api and can't find them


  • Used Zammad version: 3.5.x
  • Used Zammad installation source: Debian package
  • Operating system: Debian 4.9.240-2
  • Browser + version: Chrome, FF, etc.

Expected behavior:

Adding an organization via api or Frontend to our zammad. Can’t find the “new” organization via frontend or API GET /api/v1/organizations/search?query=name:newCompanyName.
But the new organization is in the database, can find it in PGAdmin via query and also get it via GET /api/v1/organizations/1100001

“id”: 1100001,
“name”: “zauto”,
“updated_by_id”: 4,
“shared”: true,
“domain_assignment”: false,
“domain”: “”,
“note”: “”,
“active”: true,
“sapcustomerid”: null,
“created_by_id”: 4,
“created_at”: “2020-11-16T09:34:06.758Z”,
“updated_at”: “2020-11-16T09:34:06.758Z”,
“member_ids”: []

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

Every new organization.

It seems to be a question of time. After hours all organizations are there. :thinking:

After hours doesn’t sound right.
Yes, searchindex updates are delayed jobs, but if it takes hours this indicates performance problems.

You may want to check:

If you have too many delayed jobs, you can find out by running:
zammad run rails r "p Delayed::Job.count"

The number the command returns should be near 0. It technically can be high within the 100s (or 1000) if you have many things going on at the moment, but Zammad should work that load off soonish.

A good start would having a look at concurrent users and the number of overviews.

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