Add option to status configuration if customer can select that status

  1. What is your original issue/pain point you want to solve?
    When I add new status using the new UI in Zammad 6.3 I want to be able to select if that status is available to customers.

  2. Which are one or two concrete situations where this problem hurts the most?
    By default only “open/closed” are available to customers. When I create additional “closed-typed”-status, I want to be able to select which of those are selectable by customers. For example when I create a “rejected”-status, I only want agents to be able to select them.

I can create a core workflow for that, but that is an avoidable source of possible errors.

  1. Why is it not solvable with the Zammad standard?
    Because the option is only available in the rails console, but not in the new UI.

To be more precise: I am missing this stuff as part of the new UI:

That is to be done via a Core Workflow rule.

I know that.

And it also adds to the fact, that we need to configure status at two different places within the UI.