Add Link to ticket content to answer

Hi There,

with the default settings it’s hard for our customers to see what question was related to an answer. Especially if multiple tickets are coming from one customer.

Is it possible to include a link to the whole ticket history, so the customer is able to see what he asked?


When viewing a ticket, click the cog on the top right. In the popup change Email - Full quote to yes. That will include the history in the replies. Keep in mind that sometimes that chain can get quite long.

I suggest you just add the ticket link to the signature. You find an example of a working, clickable ticket link in the default trigger “auto reply (on new tickets)”.

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I like this solution. Thank you.

Do you know if it’s possible to show the ticket content without login? Probably not.

The ticket information are bound to the customer account and thus require login.

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