Add alias of office356 email as individual channel


  • Used Zammad version: 6.1.0-1695897125.3f8a4154.focal
  • Used Zammad installation type: package
  • Operating system: Ubuntu 20.04.2
  • Browser + version: Chrome + Version 117.0.5938.132 (Offizieller Build) (64-Bit)

Expected behavior:

possibility to add additional email-addresse (office365 aliases) to zammad

Actual behavior:

can not add the alias via channel “email” as IMAP authentication with zammad will fail with office365 (O-Auth2 …)
can not add the alias via channel “Microsoft 365” as it fails on “duplicate account”

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

In the past it was possible to add the alias via IMAP (mix of alias email at the top and master-email as username for imap was possible).
After that step it was possible to migrate the account/channel to Microsoft 365.
Currently we have 6 channels working with this account 5 aliases and the master account. Each is looking at another IMAP-Folder. The setup is working smooth.

There is no option to configure the email-channel without having to pass the validation-step.

Is there a way to set up the channel via rails or api?

Or do I have to build a temporary fake server for my zammad-installation to get the new channel set up in “email”? (pass the validation step here …)

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If you are using Microsoft 365, then you should be able to add the alias under Microsoft 365. Assuming you have the main account there as well, the Alias would be added to it.

I utilize the mail filter option to move the tickets to the correct group, apply tags, autoresponders, etc. Then I just add the alias as the account for that group after adding it as shown in the response above.

My problem with both of your descriptions is that I have to first put all the input emails into one default-group before I’m able to separate them into ther Destination Groups.
We have a straight forward 1:1 relation for email-alias and destination-group:

So as far as I get your suggestions right my new alias would always have to pass through one “wrong” group.
And I would have to give up the pre-sorting on the Office365-IMAP side as additional alias-emails can not pull emails from other folders.

The email filters happen as the email is processed.

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But yes you do lose sub golder abilities in o365. Fpr that i have zammad keep email on server, then after it is ‘read’, I have it moved to the correct subfolder to keep the conjoined inbox clean.

Sounds like you need email accounts and not Alias’.

As mentioned, you can use email filters to assign specific groups to those emails. If you want further segregation, then you should just use an email address rather than an Alias.

Short version: It feels like I need something else than office365 … (but that’s not in my hands)

I tried to add the new alias to the master-email in zammad and add a rule in office365 which moves the email for the new alias to the same folder like the emails which are addressed to the master-email-address.
As soon as I (a rule) move or copy an email from inbox to a subfolder the “To:”-information which is holding e.g. the alias-email-address is changed to the email-address of the account.
So no chance for zammad to distinguish the emails for the new-alias with any trigger-rule. The information is completely lost.
Currently I’m not brave enough to tear down the complete working structure of the existing HelpDesk system and start over with a plain (no-subfolder) structure.
Is there realy no way to add a new channel pointing to a new subfolder?

No there’s not.

by the way, fun fact:
While a “normal” email channel technically allows this kind of thing it technically is invalid and may cause other issues or erratic use of channels.

All alternative approaches had their disadvantages. Now my solution was to duplicate and modify an entry in the postgres database table “channels”. For the moment it looks like I might be happy with this hacky solution. Any bets about where the system might explode first are welcome.
Thank’s for your suggestions. It helped to understand the general setup.

Fiddling directly within the database of Zammad is not supported.
You’re bypassing security and sanitizing mechanisms.

If anything hits the fan, nobody will be able to help you.
The scope you created is uncertain.

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