About integration with another ticketing system

Hello, i’m very pleased with zammad, using it for more than a year.

I’d like to exchange data with another web application, i ask if it’s possible to:

  • create a new field/object in the request, a simple select field, and populate the values in the list from a xml or list obtained from a https call to the other application
  • trigger a email or http-post the content of the current ticket to the other web application.

Can you give me some tips ?
I need a solution as simple as possible, but robust.
Thank you

  • Used Zammad version: 5.4
  • Used Zammad installation type: package
  • Operating system: almalinux
  • Browser + version: firefox

Expected behavior:

Actual behavior:

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

Hi @marco,

not sure if I got you correctly, but IMHO you should have a look here:

Yes thanks, I read the documentation, I still don’t understand if and how you can populate a select list for a request object with values from an external dynamic data source.
I must experiment with webhooks, if you say this is the way to address the second l’art of my question.
Thanks a lot,

You can create and update an object manager attribute via the API, this should be the answer to the first part of your question :slight_smile:

Webhooks should be used if you plan to send some data to another web application.

No you can’t. Not from inside of Zammad.

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