3CX Integration

Moin from Northern Germany

I would like to see a 3CX Pro integration.

3CX is an open-standard, software based PBX and has allready a freshdesk and zendesk integration. 3CX is one of the fastest growing PBX provider at the moment and often used in bigger companys worldwide. I think it is a perfect match to get the attention from some bigger units like call centers and customer services for zammad. This organisations will use the Pro edition.

Features could be the same like for ZenDesk and Freshdesk

  • Click to call
  • Call Pop ups
  • Call Journals

for example: https://www.3cx.com/crm-integration/zendesk-pbx-plugin/

tear me apart now :wink:


We are interested in 3CX integration, too.

A feature could be:

  • Open a new ticket for incomming calls on a specified number

Best regards



i think thats the combination of a call pop up and the call journal


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