Zammad Ticket ID Number skips

Hiya, someone has experiencied skip in the correlatives?

Our fist ticket is #240.001 (6 char minimum)

but after #249.999 (10.000 tickets later)

it skipped to #2.410.000

Just asking if this is system issue
Thanks any comments!

Your question should be answered by our documentation:

Hi Mr. thanks, but not really:

i have checksum off, and min digit 6, it should have gone from 249.999 to 250.000
Maybe I’m understanding something wrong but I see no sense on adding an extra number if there is plenty of room to use (6 number) wich is the minimum

No. The documentation and Zammad clearly states: SystemID PLUS increment.
Your SystemID (as the example on the bottom shows) is 24. Your systemid is fixed and does not change.

   systemid == 2 characters
+ increment == 4 characters

Your increment hit 9999 and thus (to not overflow) is extended by 1 to 10000.

Aight, thanks, i don’t understand why it will overflow. But it’s working as intended as I see


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