Where are the Services of OTRS?

Hi, I’m completely new to Zammad and just migrated from ((OTRS)) 6.0 to Zammad 6. I like Zammad, it’s has a modern UI compared to the old looking OTRS. But: Where are the services? Is there a reason why services weren’t implemented in Zammad? Are tags a propper replacement for services? If yes, how can I import them from OTRS?

The migration documentation hints that there’s only four things that Zammad will migrate:

I doubt that services count toward to that.
Can’t say for tags as I don’t know the context (as in if OTRS allows several tags in several places)

I think the question how the services was used in OTRS. Maybe you could create a object attribute for the services and core workflow to build some similar things.

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That’s a great idea. Didn’t know that something like objects exists. I also can import the services via the api with this command:
Ticket.where(number:‘1234567’).update(service: ‘Office::Excel’)