Trigger with person which closed ticket

  • Used Zammad version: 3.1
  • Used Zammad installation source: (source, package, …)
  • Operating system: Debian
  • Browser + version: all

I want to use a trigger to save a note in each ticket. This note should specify the person who closed the ticket. How do I get this person out (agent or costumer)? Maybe with #{ticket.XXX}?

Sorry but cant fully gets what you want to achieve. please enlighten us.

Thank you and Welcome to Zammad

I would like to be automatically put into a ticket who has closed this ticket. The person who has closed the ticket is in the history. But I would like to have the person also in the ticket. Maybe as note.

Good Day,

You can create workaround this but not totally what you want. on my personal knowledge in zammad.

In trigger you can set

Action is updated
State is closed

Execute changes on obejcts

Article - Notes

Set to public and create subject

at the note type what you want to appear in ticket you can type the name of the person but you need to create different trigger each person hhehe and is not good…

I also want to do that but the test module is not supported in trigger or at the backend
because if the test module is supported in trigger you can achieve what you want using ::owner first name

Thank You

All I need is the name of the agent who closed the ticket.

if you have few number of agent you can do that like if you have 10 agent 10 triger yo will need to create only a workaround

If you use the variable for updated by, you’ll be fine because it will return the last updaters name if applicable.

OK, I can test it. But which string do I have to enter for the updated by variable?

Hey @AnnemarieBecher,

you can see all available variables by typing :: .

What you need is probably one of these:


Hi @dvnkln,

it doesn’t work for me. I specified in the trigger:


geschlossen um

von #{ticket.updated_by.lastname}

The ticket in the browser then says:



geschlossen um


von #{ticket.updated_by.lastname}


I don’t know, if my browser (Internet Explorer) for konfiguration the trigger is the problem. The line breaks are also strange. I don’t see the line breaks in the konfiguration.

Rather sounds like you’re trying to add a note and not to send a mail…?
Please provide a bit more information, because right now your trigger configuration is not entirely clear to me.

A screenshot of your trigger configuration and maybe the place you see the described issue should be good enough. :slight_smile:

Yes, exactly, I just want to write a note on the ticket with the trigger. The name of the user who closed the ticket should appear in the note.

This is the konfiguration:

And that’s how it looks in the ticket

Yup, thought so.
You’re experiencing a bug (or feature, how you wanna put it :man_shrugging:)

You can find it here:

There’s currently no solution to this issue. Can’t give an ETA as well, sorry.

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We have installed version 3.1


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