Paste without formating


Is there any shortcut, to paste without formating.


CTRL + V + SHIFT on most Browsers.
E.g. Chromium - depends on your OS and Browser.

Just right click into the text field, it should tell you there. (It’s Browser functionality)

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Yeah, I know about this one - and it works on other pages - but does not do anything in Zammad. :frowning:


Which browser and OS are you using? As @MrGeneration said, this is very much OS- and browser-dependent.

For me on Ubuntu Mate, right click -> paste as unformatted text in Chrome is the only thing that works; Ubuntu Mate doesn’t have the Ctrl+Shift+V key combination (the normal Ubuntu should though according to Google). Right click -> paste as unformatted text is a Chrome feature and should work on every OS AFAIK. Firefox doesn’t seem to have such a feature and therefore it has to be provided by the OS, and I haven’t figured out a way how to paste plaintext there on Ubuntu Mate.

Right click ->paste as simple text actually helped. Thank you!

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