OTRS 6 migration to Zammad (test instance for evaluation)

I delved into the various setups within Zammad, exploring its configurations involving groups, organizations, roles, users, permissions, and notifications.

From what I understood, what was previously termed a “queue” in OTRS now corresponds to a “group” in Zammad. Although direct connections between groups and users or roles aren’t feasible, group permissions can be established at either the role or user level.

The organization setting serves purposes such as user filtering, trigger definition, and overview establishment, yet it does not impact groups, notifications, or permissions significantly, apart from facilitating ticket sharing among organization-affiliated customers.
Given that our users all share the same email domain managed at a regional level, filtering by domain name isn’t viable.

Use Case:

  • A school may belong to a group of schools (Sprengel).
  • Support requests from a school are submitted via web and email.
  • Each school may have one or more teachers requesting support (customers).
  • A school typically has one main technician and a backup technician (agents).

How To:

  • Establish one organization per school, rather than per school group (Sprengel), with shared organization disabled.
  • (Optional) Modify organization object to add field for school group (Sprengel)
  • Create one organization per service center (agent site).
  • Set up a distinct group for each school.
  • Designate a group as “SUPPORT” to ensure all tickets are routed there, simplifying the user experience for teachers (customers).
  • Create one role per service center.
  • Link customers to their respective schools (main organization).
  • Assign technicians (agents) to the service center (main organization) and schools (secondary organizations).
  • For each technician (agent, not role), specify the school(s) (group) they primarily serve as well as their backup school(s) (group), granting them FULL Group Permissions to ensure they receive Zammad notifications and emails.
  • Implement a trigger for every group to ensure that when a ticket with status new from a specific school (organization) within the “SUPPORT” group is moved to the corresponding school group (group).

This setup ensures:

  • Every teacher’s (customer) request is directed to the designated technician (and backup technician) (agent)
  • Only specified technicians (agent) receive notifications via Zammad and email.

Did I overlook anything?

Next on the agenda: configuring the MS365 channel, which may present challenges due to the lack of testing capabilities.

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