OAuth login for Gmail/Gsuite email inboxes

We are currently considering zammad as our ticket handling platform. We are very impressed with nearly all aspects of your product. There is only one thing that keeps us from going all in and that is how to setup gmail/google inboxes.

For the moment this requires user/password login and “allow less secure apps” to be enabled on your gmail inbox, but we would rather use the recommended OAuth mechanism as suggested by Google. Mostly because Google is retiring this mechanism in the foreseeable future.

If found a recent github ticket in your repository that mentions a git branch. Could you shed a light on how far developed this is, and when we could see this functionality in a release?

Sorry but we generally do not provide any ETAs.
I changed the category of this topic from feature request to lobby, as your post is none.

We will update the issue accordingly as soon as something moves in a direction that’s a valueable information for everybody.

That being said, don’t worry, we’ll hold the deadline of Google for the first deprecation phase.

Thank you for the quick response.

I understand that you don’t want to be tied to ETA’s; what’s important to us is that you plan to respect the Google deprecations and that gmail/gsuite integration is important to you. Keep up the good work :+1:

Just checked the release notes of Zammad 3.4. Great to see oauth support for google added. Thanks!

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