Not authorized when creating a ticket within a group via JSON API

I’ve a user that is trying to create a new ticket using the API endpoint /api/v1/tickets (POST):

% curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
     --header "Authorization: Token token=xxxxx" \
  --request POST \
--data '{"article":{"body":"Perl","internal":0,"subject":"asdasdasdasd","type":"note"},"customer":"","group_id":7,"title":"asdasdasdasd"}' http://localhost:8080/api/v1/tickets

{"error":"Not authorized","error_human":"Not authorized"}

where the user belongs to the group with id 7 (which is active) and has the agent role.
What permission am I missing?

I have changed the configuration, in order to try.
My user is id=7, and the group he belongs to is id=3:

% curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
     --header "Authorization: Token token=xyz" \
  --request GET \
{"id":3,"signature_id":null,"email_address_id":null,"name":"ATENEO","name_last":"ATENEO","parent_id":null,"assignment_timeout":null,"follow_up_possible":"yes","reopen_time_in_days":null,"follow_up_assignment":true,"active":true,"shared_drafts":true,"note":"Gruppo di ateneo\u003cbr\u003e","updated_by_id":3,"created_by_id":3,"created_at":"2024-06-06T13:22:23.714Z","updated_at":"2024-06-06T14:50:11.870Z","user_ids":[7]}

% curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
     --header "Authorization: Token token=xyz" \
  --request GET \ 

Note that the user has full control over group 3.


% curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
     --header "Authorization: Token token=xyz" \
  --request POST \
--data '{"article":{"body":"CIAO CIAO","internal":0,"subject":"PRIMO TEST categoria","type":"note"}, "group_id":3,  "customer":"","title":"PRIMO TEST categoria"}' http://localhost:8080/api/v1/tickets

{"error":"Not authorized","error_human":"Not authorized"}

Is there a way to get a better error message?
What should I look for?

Hi @fluca1978. Is your token correct, meaning that ticket.agent was selected?

@fliebe92 I think the tocken is correct, since it is the same I used before, and it has been generated as follows:

curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
  --request POST \
  --data '{ "name": "", "permission": ["cti.agent","ticket.agent", ""], "expires_at": "2024-12-21" }' \
  -u http://localhost:8080/api/v1/user_access_token

is there a way to get better error message or detail, and/or to check the status of the given tocken (via API)?

GET /api/v1/user_access_token is available to get a list of all your token for the current user.

Does ticket.agent role has correct permissions for the used group?

Uhm, while I’m able to inspect the user with the very same token via api/v1/users/<id>, I’m not able to see the access token:

% curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
     --header "Authorization: Token token=abcdef" \
  --request GET \
{"error":"Not authorized (token)!","error_human":"Not authorized (token)!"}

Am I invoking this badly or does it reveals the problem?

Your token is missing the permission to manage your tokens. This is why … I guess you should stop with whatever you’re doing and need to study the documentation a bit :slight_smile: and my last question is not answered as well, so you’re mixing up a lot of topics here.

@fliebe92 I will study the documentation more, but I guess your question was answered in my original post: the user 7 has full permissions on group 3:


or am I misreading the output?
Now, the user 3 token has been created with the following:

curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
  --request POST \
  --data '{ "name": "", "permission": ["cti.agent","ticket.agent", ""], "expires_at": "2024-12-21" }' \
  -u http://localhost:8080/api/v1/user_access_token

I have not set the permission to manage the tokens, because it was not supposed to be required, I can generate a new one with additional permissions, but having a better overview of what I’m missing (from the error message) could help understanding why the same agent was working days ago and now it is no more working.

Hi @fluca1978. Based on your output, the user you’re using has "role_ids":[4]. Do you have access to the Rails Console and could look up the output of Role.find(4)?

BTW: Did you try to use the Zammad GUI to create a ticket? If not, could you please do so?