Laravel Wrapper for the official Zammad PHP Library

Hi All,

I am announcing a Laravel composer library that wraps around the official Zammad PHP library to make development of Laravel apps that uses Zammad’s APIs more simpler.

Here it is:

So you only need to work with six methods that is implemented:


As you see, there are CRUD methods to make it easier to understand plus ::all() and ::search.

Disclaimer: This is done on my free time and is not officially supported by Zammad but only myself so if you have any problems you can open an issue here

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Thanks for sharing that! I actually looking for a Laravel and Zammad integration for login session sharing.

My setup looks like this:

|_ Laravel web1
|_ Laravel web2
|_ Zammad

So, users first login to Portal, if they have to access to those Laravel web systems, and click those page link, they will login automatically. But for Zammad they have to log in again. I use LDAP for user management for all systems. Would you share any idea to accomplish this?


What you are looking is usually a Single Sign-On solution. This wrapper won’t help you achieve that though.