We are testing zammad for a while now and we are very pleased with it. Since it’s opensource we would like to implement the usage of OpenProject in Zammad.
Now i don’t really know how i should do this in a correct way. I thought about creating a frontend new ticket form (projects) and go from there.
I guess the first steps would be to write down the use cases. Like what actions should be available for customers, agents and admins.
1 As an admin....
• I have a new menu in the Admin -> Integration area...
2 As an agent...
• I have ...
3 As a customer...
• I have ...
Is it an integration which only works from the outside via API or do you want to patch the zammad UI and have your functionality there. For outsiders it is really hard to see what you wanna achieve.
I would most ideally want it to work from the zammad ui. I allready created the button below overview. That should have the projects displayed.
It would be nice to have an overview dashboard just like the tickets, but then on project based. And then have a Gantt view of the project if you click the project open.
This is only usable to work in for admins and designated users that are working for that project.
If not you should not have the edit rights or view rights. (These could be on the same way zammad tickets work).
I also created an extra button next to the split tickets, if a ticket should be escalated to a project you can create a project (just like the split ticket but with a project )
I think we might be working on similar things. We’re using Zammad for handling our tickets and thinking about using OpenProject for managing our projects. We want to make sure that tasks don’t end up scattered between two systems, so we’re planning to create a package. This package would let us make tasks in Zammad tickets and keep them synced with OpenProject.
I tried a first test yesterday to see how Zammad packages work. It looks like we can do it, but there’s something I’m not quite getting. Because of this, I’ll start another topic about it alongside this message.
If you’re interested, maybe we can talk about what you’re trying to do specifically. It could help us as we’re building the package.
Has there been any advancement regarding this? We are currently looking for a similar implementation / solution. So I was wondering whether you happen to have any updates on this?
in my case, I need a list of tasks related to a ticket which is also synced with other tasks / workpackages inside OpenProject to have a complete list of tasks (in OpenProject).
I have been working on an integration and had a prototype up and running. The package would simply pull work packages from OpenProject where the ticket id is found in the title, and create/update related tasks via API. The related work packages are shown inside the ticket in a tab and also as a note.
However, since version 6.4 it is no longer working and I had no time to continue working on this matter. Maybe I just have to reinstall the package, I am not sure.
Since version 6.4 there are also checklists available in Zammad, which I consider helpful for my case. This would be a complete different approach than I was previously working on, because data will be stored within Zammad instead of requesting the OpenProject API.
May I ask, what your expectations are? What does your idea of an integration look like?
We are currently not yet using OpenProject, but we have all our tasks/tickets central in Zammad and are now looking for a new tool to get more grip on our project management. We were thinking about using OpenProject for this but would like tasks that get created in OpenProject to be created as a ticket in Zammad as well. This way all our tasks are visible in Zammad and there is one central place to view everything you need to do. Ideally this would obviously mark the task completed in OpenProject upon closing of the ticket in Zammad / would be ordered per project (e.g. by representing a project as a group in Zammad, but could maybe also be done differently).
If I understand you correctly, this sounds quite similar as to what you were working on. As you also mentioned task/ticket integration.
If that is correct, I would be interested in seeing whether we could get the package working again on the newer version of Zammad or see if we can build upon this. What are your thoughts on this?
If you by chance happen to know any other project management tool that has such integrations already implemented, that would also be amazing haha.
I just stumbled upon this very interesting discussion. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us software engineers at OpenProject. Throughout the last couple years we invested significantly in making deep integrations with OpenProject easier by supporting open standards like OIDC, JWT, OAuth 2.0, … and (coming soon) SCIM. We want it to be easy to have seamless cross application user integration basics ready for all sorts of integrations within the Open Source eco-system. From our own experience designing the architecture of a deep integration such as with Nextcloud and openDesk we know that this is tough to get it right.
So if you plan or are already building an integration with OpenProject please contact me. I am very happy to discuss architecture designs with you and assist with ideas, experience and feedback.