Generic CTI: additional fields like displayName; easier workflow for creating tickets?

Would it be put the customer name to user[] this would be the realname shown in the UI for the caller log. See also in curl example of newCall in

Hm, but for direction=in, user[] seems to be the name of the user that is being called, not for the calling user:

It is the name of the calling user when direction is “out”, or of the users receiving the call when direction is “in”.

Though I realize now I could have been more clear about this in my original posting: I’m currently only using direction=in. I’ve uploaded my Perl script as a gist to show how it currently works: - listens for queue events via asterisk AMI and posts them to Zammad's generic CTI · GitHub

The script connects via AMI to Asterisk and listens for Queue events (haven’t bothered yet to add support for normal incoming or outgoing calls), and whenever it encounters the respective events, it will asynchronously push these via HTTPS to Zammad.

Nonetheless I tried to add user to the newCall request to try it:

  if ($event->{Event} eq "QueueCallerJoin")
    post_zammad {
        event => "newCall",
        from => $event->{CallerIDNum},
        to => $event->{Queue},
        direction => "in",
        callId => $event->{Uniqueid},
        user => [$event->{CallerIDName}], # <-- here

But as expected, it’s now the wrong way around - it shows:

From To
+49 176 xxxxxxxx von Wittich, Martin (IServ GmbH)

Instead of

From To
von Wittich, Martin (IServ GmbH)
+49 176 xxxxxxxx

So the need for a way to pass this info properly to Zammad IMO remains.

I can follow your description. Any more actions needed at this stage?

Full disclosure: I have no idea :smiley:

Currently only our department head and I are evaluating Zammad, and at this point we’re mostly playing around, we haven’t used it productively yet. I expect that the CTI features will be more relevant to our sales staff than to our support staff (we supporters seldom create phone tickets, we usually just ask our customers to send a mail instead), and I just thought “hm, creating phone tickets from the call history seems a bit unintuitive” ^^