External Databases in Zammad

Thank you for the great new Feature in Zammad 6.2 to connect external Databases. Unfortunately my inventory software (rxInventory) don’t support API calls, but with Node-Red it’s easy to go around that problem and connect any Database that is supported by Node-Red to Zammad. Als example I want to explain how I display printers in the ticket mask.

What you need is Node-Red with the following package for MS SQL in this example, but there are nodes for almost any database available:

Then you need just 4 nodes in Node-Red to get it running:

If your node-red is installed on nodered.yourcompany.com, you can call it under https://nodered.yourcompany.com:1880/zammad?q=[search]

In Zammad it must be configured like here:

Here is the Code für those 4 nodes. You can just copy it and paste it in Node-Red.

		"id": "9466a2bfc59c27c3",
		"type": "MSSQL",
		"z": "88aa4726e2859a6c",
		"mssqlCN": "ffa2d5ca.bdc378",
		"name": "Printers",
		"outField": "payload",
		"returnType": 0,
		"throwErrors": 1,
		"query": "SELECT \r\n      [Name]\r\n      ,[IP]\r\n      ,[Manufacturer]\r\n      ,[Modell]\r\n      ,[Department]\r\n      ,[Employee]\r\n      ,[Serial]\r\n      ,Name+' '+Manufacturer+' '+Modell+' '+Department as Label\r\nFROM [rxInventory].[dbo].[Drucker]\r\nWHERE (\r\n            Name like '%{{{payload.q}}}%' or\r\n            Manufacturer like '%{{{payload.q}}}%' or\r\n            Modell like '%{{{payload.q}}}%' or\r\n            Department like '%{{{payload.q}}}%'\r\n      )",
		"modeOpt": "queryMode",
		"modeOptType": "query",
		"queryOpt": "payload",
		"queryOptType": "editor",
		"paramsOpt": "queryParams",
		"paramsOptType": "none",
		"rows": "rows",
		"rowsType": "msg",
		"params": [],
		"x": 320,
		"y": 3700,
		"wires": [["962ee696a237fd70"]]
	}, {
		"id": "962ee696a237fd70",
		"type": "json",
		"z": "88aa4726e2859a6c",
		"name": "",
		"property": "payload",
		"action": "str",
		"pretty": true,
		"x": 470,
		"y": 3700,
		"wires": [["2aff9b24bcc623b6"]]
	}, {
		"id": "944631c963b09e00",
		"type": "http in",
		"z": "88aa4726e2859a6c",
		"name": "",
		"url": "/zammad",
		"method": "get",
		"upload": false,
		"swaggerDoc": "",
		"x": 150,
		"y": 3700,
		"wires": [["9466a2bfc59c27c3"]]
	}, {
		"id": "2aff9b24bcc623b6",
		"type": "http response",
		"z": "88aa4726e2859a6c",
		"name": "",
		"statusCode": "",
		"headers": {},
		"x": 610,
		"y": 3700,
		"wires": []
	}, {
		"id": "ffa2d5ca.bdc378",
		"type": "MSSQL-CN",
		"tdsVersion": "7_4",
		"name": "rxInventory",
		"server": "DB\\DB",
		"port": "1433",
		"encyption": true,
		"trustServerCertificate": true,
		"database": "rxInventory",
		"useUTC": false,
		"connectTimeout": "15000",
		"requestTimeout": "15000",
		"cancelTimeout": "5000",
		"pool": "5",
		"parseJSON": true,
		"enableArithAbort": true

Thank you for your contribution. I’ve changed the category from Feature Request to Lobby, because I believe you’re not requesting a new feature here.

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Oh, thank you, I wanted to post it in the lobby. Was a mistake.

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