E-mail notification to customer when there's activity on their issue?

I was finally got it all to work.

Inspired by the link @MrGeneration gave about configuring a sendmail local MTA, I came up with this to instead add an Email Account without incoming, but with outgoing configured to use our SMTP server:

rails r "Channel.create(area: 'Email::Account', options: { inbound: { adapter: 'null', options: {} }, outbound: { adapter: 'smtp', options: { host: '<HOST>', port: 25, user: '<USER>', password: '<PASSWORD>' } } }, active: true, preferences: { editable: false }, updated_by_id: 1, created_by_id: 1)"

This gave me

I added the Email Address to it manually using the web UI.

I then configured this Email Account as the account for all our ticket groups.

Then I could configure the following trigger:

And fill in the following template for the mail:

Hello #{ticket.customer.firstname},

Your ticket at <OurCompany> Support has been updated by #{ticket.updated_by.firstname} #{ticket.updated_by.lastname}.

Please visit #{config.http_type}://#{config.fqdn}/#ticket/zoom/#{ticket.id} to see your ticket.

Customers are now notified the way we want them to be when there are updates to their tickets :+1:

Many thanks for your suggestions @MrGeneration and @rsysadmin, they both helped out in the end.

The only minor annoyance I have is that on the ticket, Zammad prints out a text

"Your ticket has been updated" -> "e-mail@of-the-customer.com"

each time the trigger runs, and even customers get to see this text. We would like to turn off this printout completely.

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Final question: Is there a way to create a trigger that only fires if a note was made on the ticket? I realize now that we might not want an e-mail sent on everything covered by the “Action is updated” condition.

The only thing I could find among the available conditions relating to “note” are “Customer > Note contains/contains not” and “Organization > Note contains/contains not”… but I have a feeling this is not what I’m looking for?

Are the trigger conditions documented somewhere?

Final question: Is there a way to create a trigger that only fires if a note was made on the ticket? I realize now that we might not want an e-mail sent on everything covered by the “Action is updated” condition.

I think I figured this out:


Glad you could address your use case!

I’m afraid that this is currently not possible.

That’s exactly how it’s done, well done! :slight_smile:

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