Customize search result view

You could probably also hide the unwanted columns via css since they have their own classes:

To hide the chat sessions you could use this:
.detail-search-header .tab.js-tabChatSession { display: none; }*
The spacing is important:

At least that way should™ be update-proof. It only visually hides the tab though. @Stubenhocker’s approach is a lot cleaner since only the relevant data is being pulled.

As always:
I’m not a web dev or anything at all and i didn’t try that first. This should hide ALL elements that are classified as tab and js-tabChatSession which are also a descendant of a detail-search-header object. So if anything else uses this combination, that’s probably gone too.

There’s most likely a better way to achieve this but i don’t know it :>.


*updated thanks to Martin-Bonn’s hint

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