Custom modal when replying to ticket

I would like to create a custom modal similar similar to Time Accounting.
When the operator responds to the ticket or enters a note, my custom modal should open.

Do you know which file I need to work on to insert this event?
Thank !!

Hi @alessandrociviero ,

the time accounting dialogue for the ticket zoom is initialized here:

zammad/app/assets/javascripts/app/controllers/ at 43d58aa518918d697363d55ebf479355d6ec64a8 · zammad/zammad · GitHub

zammad/app/assets/javascripts/app/controllers/ticket_zoom/ at 43d58aa518918d697363d55ebf479355d6ec64a8 · zammad/zammad · GitHub

If your dialogue should come up every time it should be easy to copy and paste something similar. The interesting part is I guess to chain it up properly so it works also fine if someone has time accounting enable or not.

Very good!
I solved it,
before the line “new App.TicketZoomTimeAccounting(…”
I added my custom component

if @ticket.currentView() is 'agent'
 new App.TimeCustom(
   container: @el.closest('.content')
   ticket: ticket
   cancelCallback: =>
   submitCallback: (params) =>
     @submitPost(e, ticket, macro)

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