Change Notifications Logo "Bird Logo"

Good Day,

I dont know if there is workaround to change the notifications logo “Bird/Zammad Logo” like favicon

I introduced Zammad to one of my friend to try Zammad and he likes how Zammad works and want to use to the company where he is working but his manager request to fully replace all the logo like on the notifications and when you use the trigger and send an note.

And he said like in other Open Source system when you uploaded your own logo all default logo will be replaced also, Favicon,Print Out,etc…

I said to me I only followed the recommended installation from zammad and not touch any file in zammad root folder.

Thank You,


Hey @sinichi19,

first of all: that manager sound’s like a douchebag.

Considering your question: I guess there’s no built-in way to replace that. But by looking at the html source the object is built like this:

<div class="logo js-toggleNotifications">
    <svg class="icon icon-logo "><use xlink:href="assets/images/icons.svg#icon-logo"></use></svg>
    <div class="activity-counter js-notificationsCounter"></div>

Searching for assets/images/icons.svg#icon-logo on the zammad server returns this file:

Maybe fiddling around with that would help but it for sure won’t be update-proof.
But maybe i’m wrong and there actually is a way to do it.



Thank You Sir @dvnkln

The manager Yeah I know hahaha,

And yes i already saw the icons.svg and i think this where all icons embedded but like what I said as much as possible i dont touch any file in the root folder…

Thank you

You’d need to have a copy of icons.svg somewhere on your webserver that’s modified and then do redirect magic. Apart from that it’s not possible without code changes. Sorry.

thank you sir @MrGeneration stay safe and healthy

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