Cant create a Backup, PostgreSQL access


creating a backup fails.

root@zammad:/opt/zammad/contrib/backup# sudo ./
creating postgresql backup...
pg_dump: error: connection to database "zammad" failed: FATAL: password authentication failed for user "zammad"

Here is the user table from the PostgreSQL DB

zammad@zammad:~$ psql -l
                                  List of databases
   Name    |  Owner   | Encoding |   Collate   |    Ctype    |   Access privileges   
 postgres  | postgres | UTF8     | de_DE.UTF-8 | de_DE.UTF-8 | 
 template0 | postgres | UTF8     | de_DE.UTF-8 | de_DE.UTF-8 | =c/postgres          +
           |          |          |             |             | postgres=CTc/postgres
 template1 | postgres | UTF8     | de_DE.UTF-8 | de_DE.UTF-8 | =c/postgres          +
           |          |          |             |             | postgres=CTc/postgres
 zammad    | zammad   | UTF8     | de_DE.UTF-8 | de_DE.UTF-8 | 
(4 rows)

I cannot access the DB with the root user.

root@zammad:/opt/zammad/contrib/backup# psql -l
psql: error: FATAL:  role "root" does not exist
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Has no one an idea¿?

The following has helped

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