And the Winners of the "7 Years Strong" Zammad Quiz are

The moment of truth has arrived and we have identified the winners. :trophy:

Due to the impressive knowledge many of you demonstrated about Zammad, we had to resort to using the Wheel of Fortune to select the winners from among the contestants with the highest number of correct answers, and we’ve captured the process on video for your enjoyment!

And the Winners are…

:gift: Since today is our birthday and at Zammad there are no losers, we’re giving you a 20% discount in October, 15% in November, and 10% in December on all Admin and Agent trainings. :star2: Simply book your preferred session for October, November or December, and the respective discounts will be automatically applied: Professional Trainings | Zammad Admin & Agent Sessions

A heartfelt thank you for putting your knowledge of Zammad and our software to the test. :pray: To claim your prize, please get in touch with us via email to

It was a close race


Congratulations to Zammad and all those who participated in the quiz! I thought it was a really fun and engaging way of interacting and a pleasure to compete in it! :heart:


:heart_eyes: OMG thank you very much!
And happy birthday Zammad :smiling_face::+1:


Happy birthday Zammad! :partying_face: :tada:


FYI @MutedJam @SSpecken @dvanzuijlekom @SunnyTxt @Stubenhocker @matthiasq @itkfm @MBekspert @Puck-11 @wucherpfennig @Speedy-Gonzalez @mmm @datenschuft @chan @chw0 @Ole @Dennis1993 @Meppo


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If you’re wondering about the whereabouts of your hoodies and suspect the post office may have misplaced them, well here’s the unpleasant truth - for us :see_no_evil:. As convenient as it may be, this time we can’t blame the post office and have to take responsibility for the delay. Between our birthday and our offsite last week, we completely missed sending the packages. The good news is that the hoodies are packed and on their way to you soon.