Default destination group when creating new ms365 channel

  • Used Zammad version: 6.3
  • Used Zammad installation type: docker-compose
  • Operating system: Win 10
  • Browser + version: MSEdge Version 124.0.2478.97

Whenever i create a new channel the destination group is already set to the group which was created first.

This is a problem cause as soon as zammad is then connected to ms365 it will start importing into the wrong group and also the wrong triggers run.

Am I missing something or is this expected behaviour and i need to disable all triggers first and then manually sort the created tickets to a different group?

You’re not missing anything as far as I’m aware. It’s a feature request I guess, possibly bug if you can argue it well enough… If you choose the feature request path, create it here: Feature requests - Zammad - Community