Triggers to manage ticket just by emails

  • Used Zammad version: 6.2
  • Used Zammad installation type: source
  • Operating system: Debian Bookworm
  • Browser + version: Firefox 115.11.0

Expected behavior:

My users can open ticket just by send an email and I need to manage them by the same way from agents side so I’ll use Zammad to save\store history’s ticket.

Actual behavior:

I start to “script” triggers with two differents “tasks” one named “Ticket update” and another one named “Ticket close”; when a user send an email to the zammad’s email account the agents receive an email from and not from (this is the account configured in zammad).

When the agent reply to the ticket by email can insert by hand but this email can updates the ticket just as internal and the user who open the ticket doesn’t receive messages.

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

Ticket update:
-Conditions for affected objects *-
Subjects contains UPDATE
Action is updated
-Execute changes on objects-
State opened
Owner Current user

Ticket close:
-Conditions for affected objects *-
Subjects contains CLOSE
-Execute changes on objects-
State closed
Owner Current user

I don’t know if Zammad’s triggers can manage tickets by email so I didn’t understand which trigger should I enable to reply emails like what I can do from the Zammad’s webpage!

For the update triggers I could also “play” with conditions like “if there’s something in the subject do update status” and just to close a ticket I could use a specific word or a specific letter because CLOSE could be a keyword of the ticket made by the user.

Agents replying to ticket notifications is not supported by Zammad and shouldn’t be done. You’re risking data leaking (e.g. their signature).

You’re outdated. Upgrade asap.