Mobile technicians frustrated

Looking for advice.

Technicians using mobile web/pwa and are having issues with uploading photos to tickets. I’m assuming its due to file size.

I want to make it as easy on them as possible, so I thought perhaps we could change it so they could simply email respond, but looks like that is not supported by zammad.

I see the only current way would be to have them reduce their camera res to something really low. But this does not seem like an adequate solution.

Any advice out there? These guys are ready to make a burning effigy here.

Kindly share error messages and use the template.
Otherwise others might get frustrated by trying to help. :slight_smile:

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Sorry, i considered putting this in the general, but the topic said if it didn’t fit somewhere in one of the other categories.

I didn’t use the template because theres not much for me to enter because there is no errors, It’s just so slow when on mobile data in a bad area. Also, because we use keycloak for SSO, it is logging them out due to the non responsiveness.

  • Used Zammad version: 6.3.1-1717742681.c0ac58de.bookworm
  • Used Zammad installation type: (source, package, docker-compose, …) docker
  • Operating system: debian 12
  • Browser + version: chrome/firefox latest

Expected behavior:

Not expected, but perhaps needed for mobile?

When uploading files there be a option for compression, or a way in the pwa to provide a status on the upload, keep the connection alive till finished?

Have a option to have the helpdesk auto add technician assigned or subscribed to be part of the chain email so they can respond and use a email clients ability to buffer.

Actual behavior:

Spins and eventually logs users out on mobile.

email response from technician notifications go no where.

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

Go through the life cycle of a ticket on a mobile device in a questionable signal area.

Sounds like this is the primary cause of any issues your Mobile Technicians are having. If you don’t have a good connection, it doesn’t matter what you do.

Don’t see how using email to update tickets (you should be able to) would be any different as you are still needing to upload the same image.

Reducing the Res may be the only solution. Especially since some cameras can take 200 megapixel images. Just for reference, 1080p is only 2 megapixels.

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Responding using a email app from their phone will not increase the speed of delivery to the system, but it will allow them to complete their tasks while on-site and as they are driving to the next job it will send in the background, effectively buffering the issue.

Also, this method puts the transmission responsibility on the email servers, and not zammad. If zammad times out there is no recovery. If email upload times out the client will keep trying.

Zammad doesn’t support agent emails to customers via tickets from external clients.

What I would ask the Mobile technicians to do then, is to update tickets when they have a better signal, or at a desk.

So. As I understand it, the options are:

  1. Develop a mobile app to work with Zammad
  2. Assist with developing a option to allow techs to respond to customers via email (If approved by zammad)
  3. Maybe some kind of n8n option that can link a email to a ticket.

I sympathize with them, this would mess up the work flow and cause issues =\

We’re coming from Zoho Desk, which their app was intuitive and did continue to retry to upload as needed, also auto resized photos.

We switched to zammad because of the additional channels of communication. and the ability to customize.

I think currently is also some side effect inside the form handling (in the 6.3 version), which leads to the unneeded sending of attachment content over the web socket server. But I think your problem is already “before” this happens.