Microsoft 365 Login - Account already used for another user


We are using zammad with the MS365 SingleSignOn Feature. When A user issues a new ticket and tries to log in with his Microsoft-Account. This Error-message accours via MS SSO:

422: The change you wanted was rejected.
Validation failed: Email address '' is already used for another user.

When I delete the account (with the created tickets). I can login with MS365 SSO instantly.

  • Used Zammad version: 3.6.1
  • Used Zammad installation type: selfhosted with docker-compose
  • Operating system:
  • Browser + version:

Expected behavior:

  • Create a ticket and login afterward with the senders email-address from MS365

Before anything else, please upgrade Zammad first. You’re terribly outdated and prune to several security issues. We are at Zammad 6.3.1 right now.

Sorry, I got the numbers wrong. It´s 6.3.1 as you mentioned.

I found the solution. The option “Acc account with first login” wasn´t enabled.

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