Core Workflows not blocking users from changing customer details


  • Used Zammad version: 6.3.0-1713857963.c5266fae.jammy
  • Used Zammad installation type: package
  • Operating system: Ubunbu 22.04
  • Browser + version: Firefox 126.0 (64-bit)

Expected behavior:

  • Agents not being able to modify any customer information

Actual behavior:

  • Agents can still change organization affiliation

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  • Set up a Core Workflow to avoid non-admins from changing or seeing information

  • Login as (non-admin user/agent) and try to edit customer information it is still possible to add/remove the organization, secondary organizations, notes, active status of the usuer


Did I miss the setting anywhere because I cannot see it in the dropdown

Thanks a lot!

Is this a bug?
Shall I file one on GitHub?

I’d say that’s a bug.