Auto Creating User - role assignment based on domain


There is awesome integration with auto-creation of a new user for each incoming email.
we are using Zammad for our internal employees (based on M365 login), and we have external users (coming from a requests by emails).

we would like to distinguish easily between external users (coming from a mail requests) and our internal employees (from M365 authentication)

I have replicated the Customer rule, it looks fine. but we are looking for an auto process that will identify Internal employees and assign them as ‘Internal-Customers’

Is it possible ? (couldn’t find matching feature for that).

Thank you :slight_smile:

No you cannot map roles on a domain base.

We have a similar need and use the LDAP integration to provision internal staff accounts since we have Entra synced with our on-prem AD environment. If you have a setup like ours that might be an option for you. Or if you use Azure AD Domain services the Zammad LDAP integration might work with that.

I’m using Azure AD.
I just want to separate easily between employees (users from Azure AD) and external customers (Incoming emails from contact us).

Do you have an idea?