- Used Zammad version: 5.01
- Used Zammad installation type: Package
- Operating system: Debian 10
- Browser + version: Chrome 99
Expected behavior:
- A rule checking, that not lets you delete needed fields
Actual behavior:
- Within a core workflow i can make a trigger that removes the login field from the user creation mask. Creating new users via API or via creation mask then is not possible.
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
- In my case: Create a core workflow for the user creation mask depending on the salutation and set “User/Login” to “remove”. Now create a new user with the salutation that triggers the workflow an you will get a “not null violation error” for the login field.
I, [2022-05-12T21:43:30.448479 #16342-23784920] INFO -- : Processing by UsersController#create as JSON
I, [2022-05-12T21:43:30.448660 #16342-23784920] INFO -- : Parameters: {"login"=>"12345test", "hiw_kunr"=>"12345", "anrede"=>"Firma", "lastname"=>"Besondere Firma", "firstname"=>"", "street"=>"Schloßallee 1", "zip"=>"12345", "city"=>"Moritzburg", "country"=>"Deutschland", "phone"=>"", "phone2"=>"", "mobile"=>"", "email"=>"", "role_ids"=>[3]}
E, [2022-05-12T21:43:30.765052 #16342-23784920] ERROR -- : PG::NotNullViolation: FEHLER: NULL-Wert in Spalte »login« verletzt Not-Null-Constraint
DETAIL: Fehlgeschlagene Zeile enthält (74081, null, null, null, Firma, , null, null, , null, , , , null, Schloßallee 1, 12345, Moritzburg, Deutschland, f, f, t, , null, null, 0, f, null, null, null, --- !ruby/hash:ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess
locale: ..., 8, 8, 2022-05-12 19:43:30.53, 2022-05-12 19:43:30.53, Firma, null, null, , t, 12345, , , ).
app/controllers/users_controller.rb:911:in `create_internal'
app/controllers/users_controller.rb:96:in `create'
app/controllers/application_controller/has_download.rb:21:in `block (4 levels) in <module:HasDownload>'
app/controllers/application_controller/has_download.rb:20:in `block (3 levels) in <module:HasDownload>'
app/controllers/application_controller/has_download.rb:19:in `block (2 levels) in <module:HasDownload>'
app/controllers/application_controller/handles_transitions.rb:16:in `handle_transaction'
E, [2022-05-12T21:43:30.770716 #16342-23784920] ERROR -- : Error ID Q1Y6jHKD: PG::NotNullViolation: FEHLER: NULL-Wert in Spalte »login« verletzt Not-Null-Constraint
DETAIL: Fehlgeschlagene Zeile enthält (74081, null, null, null, Firma, , null, null, , null, , , , null, Schloßallee 1, 12345, Moritzburg, Deutschland, f, f, t, , null, null, 0, f, null, null, null, --- !ruby/hash:ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess
locale: ..., 8, 8, 2022-05-12 19:43:30.53, 2022-05-12 19:43:30.53, Firma, null, null, , t, 12345, , , ).