Why does Zammad request ALL users with each ticket


I noticed that when opening the Dashboard, Zammad fires multiple requests of this format /api/v1/tickets/13?all=true&_=16037234343 for multiple tickets, which returns everything, for example, all Users and their info. So if the number of users grows, say 500K, I think this might significantly slow down Zammad, so I’d like to ask, is there a limit? And is what’s the purpose of it?

One more question please, does the Community version have a limit on the total number of users and tickets?


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This is because on how the WebApp is working.
If you open a ticket, the API always also provides all relevant information to it.
This can be the customer(s), agent(s) and their organizations.

By doing that Zammad actually safes requests.
This is a core functionality so no, you can’t adjust it without changing code (discouraged).

This happens on opening a new ticket (one request per ticket) and initially for all data Zammad needs full information on. This is why loading the webapp initially takes time but from that moment on is a lot faster.

No, why would we do that?
You can have as many users, tickets and so on. It’s up to you.

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