Upgrade Elastic - This index has more than one mapping type, which is not supported in 7.0

I have a Zammad 4.0 running on CentOS 7 (from rpm). The environment is quite old, so it was running with Elasticsearch 5.6 (that seems not supported now). I’ve upgraded to EL 6.8 and all seems ok.
Now I want to upgrade to 7.12 but I have many problems.

Performing a direct upgrade will broke EL, because 7.12 reports that indices are in format 5.6 and are not supported, and a reindex must by performed on 6.8 before the upgrade.
So I tried to perform this upgrade installing Kibana and leaving update assistant to help me. It reports this problem:

This index has more than one mapping type, which is not supported in 7.0. This index must be reindexed into one or more single-type indices. Mapping types in use: [StatsStore, Organization, KnowledgeBase::Answer::Translation, KnowledgeBase::Category::Translation, Chat::Session, KnowledgeBase::Translation, Ticket, Cti::Log, User]

I haven’t any idea about fixing this :frowning: Someone can help me?


Please see Updating Zammad — Zammad documentation

Upgrading Elasticsearch does require you to follow specific paths.
That’s a bit out of our scope.

Ok, but indexes are defined by Zammad (during setup). How can I migrate indexes created from old Zammad to a schema that can applied to current version of EL?
I think this is Zammad, not EL…

And a zammad run rake searchindex:rebuild does not fix your problem? ^^

no, after that still I have an index not compatible:


This index has more than one mapping type, which is not supported in 7.0. This index must be reindexed into one or more single-type indices. Mapping types in use: [User, Chat::Session, KnowledgeBase::Answer::Translation, KnowledgeBase::Translation, StatsStore, Ticket, KnowledgeBase::Category::Translation, Organization, Cti::Log]

You came from ES 5.6 and upgraded to 7.x.
You did ignore Elasticsearch upgrade path which clearly expect you to reindex at a certain version within 6.x.

Please look into the documentation - to help you more, THIS link:

If you don’t use ES for anything else beside of Zammad you could also throw away the indice directories. However, as this is an Elasticsearch topic, this is out of my scope sorry.

I didn’t ignore nothing, I think that some upgrade in Zammad history has not changed the Index to align it to more recent definition.

However I solved deleting only the Index with wrong definition (zammad_production), and leaving Zammad to recreate it. This fixed the Index definition, and then I was able to upgrade EL to 7.x.

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