Unsuccessful logout > next zammad session with out-of-date notifications and tabs

Hi, I cannot log out from Zammad

  • login prompt appears only after reloading the page.
  • the following login returns an old state of notifications and tabs in side bar (see issue #6338), so that notifications keep accumulating.
    Does anybody have any idea how to solve this issue?


  • Used Zammad version: 3.6.x
  • Used Zammad installation source: source
  • Operating system: Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS
  • Browser + version: Google Chrome Version 88.0.4324.182 (Offizieller Build) (64-Bit)

Expected behavior:

  • Select my Avatar (at lower left corner)
  • Logout (“Abmelden”)
  • Login-Page appears
  • Login with the last state of tabs and notifications from right before the logout

Actual behavior:

  • Select my Avatar (at lower left corner)
  • Logout (“Abmelden”)
  • unsuccessful logout (see attached screenshot) - I can still continue working with zammad by selecting tabs and notifications!)
  • Browser: Reload Page (“Seite neu laden”)
  • Login-Page appears
  • Login to Zammad
  • Zammad returns with old notifications and old tabs (so notifications keep accumulating, since new notifications are added to the old notifications!)

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

unfortunately, my colleague cannot reproduce the behavior, whereas I can reproduce it and have no idea how to solve the issue.
This issue may be related to #6338.

Sorry but there’s no issue #6338.
You may want to share the repo as well so that one has a chance to read the issues content too.

Edit: And the name of your browser would be helpful too.

Sorry, but how can I share a repo?

I`m using Google Chrome-Browser.
I hope a link to issue #6338 (Out-of-date tabs and notification list after browser refresh → old notifications/old tabs reappear) helps:
Out-of-date tabs and notification list after browser refresh -> old notifications/old tabs reappear.

As suggested in the related issue #6338 I removed my old sessions from the admin->sessions overview to have a complete fresh start of my session. It seems to be the solution. I will watch for a couple of days to see if it remains in sync and will then close this issue.

I´m sorry, but the problem is still not solved.
Everything seemed normal on Friday, Monday and Tuesday morning.
Tuesday noon zammad has been updated to a new version (Alert: Unplanned security update! (3.6 / 3.5) - #2) and
our admin also tried these commands, which haven’t helped either:
rake db:sessions:clear
rake db:sessions:trim)
After the update I noticed my problem has come back.
And now

  • deleting the browser cache and
  • deletion of storage via chrome developer tools

aren’t helping any more.
I logged in this morning to a new session, which is now my only session - nothing more to remove there.
Do you have any more ideas where these old informations pop up from?

Our Zammad admin found a solution:

  1. the troublesome notification list corresponds to “taskbars”, which can be requested via:
mysql> select t.id,t.key,u.email from taskbars t, users u where t.user_id = u.id and u.email like 'annette%' ;
| id | key | email |
| 28050 | Ticket-3131 | NN@NN.com |
| 28051 | Ticket-3167 | NN@NN.com |
| 28061 | Ticket-3304 | NN@NN.com |
| 28064 | Ticket-3282 | NN@NN.com |
  1. delete this list by using this command:
delete from taskbars where id in ( select s.id from ( select t.id id from taskbars t, users u where t.user_id = u.id and u.email like 'annette%' ) s );

or the following command (which may not be working due to MYSQL-limitations):

mysql> delete from taskbars where id in ( select t.id from taskbars t, users u where t.user_id = u.id and u.email like 'annette%' );
ERROR 1093 (HY000): You can't specify target table 'taskbars' for update in FROM clause
  1. After this list had been deleted, my notification list was empty and my Zammad problems have been solved.

This happens very rarely to me too which is why I couldn’t pin it down yet.
For me it helps to delete each notification one by one.

Warning: Dear future anon finding this thread and above “solution”.
Please be advised that above solution is a dangerous operation and strongly not suggested.
When ever you can, avoid direct actions within your database - do use Zammad tools or methods to achieve your goal. Other wise you may end up in a corrupt database.

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