Trigger doesn't recognise 'text contains' condition

* Used Zammad version: 3.2.0-1578664361.375c4929
* Used Zammad installation source: Debian Package
* Operating system: Ubuntu 18.04
* Browser + version: Firefox 72.0.1

Expected behavior:

I expected it to recognise the word ‘complaint’ in emails body, email subject title or note then tag it raise the priority to high

Actual behavior:

  • None of the changes occurred

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  • Setup the trigger as per the screenshot. Send an email or note containing the word ‘complaint’

The configured trigger of yours requires the existing ticket title to be “complaint”, the subject and body of the follow up mail to contain “complaint” as well.

This means:

Title contains “complaint” and text (body) contains “complaint” and subject contains “complaint”.

Is this condition met at all?
Please ensure that these conditions apply all to on the moment the ticket is being updated.
Note that Zammads conditions are “AND” only.

Of course, so I need separate triggers because I want:

Title contains “complaint” or text (body) contains “complaint” or subject contains “complaint”.

Is there a way to set ‘or’ because using separate triggers for this seems a bit messy

This is a feature request, however, not yet possible.
No ETA known.

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