Trigged 2 times on update event


  • Used Zammad version: 3.1
  • Used Zammad installation source: ubuntu community
  • Operating system: ubuntu
  • Browser + version: chrome

Expected behavior:

I get issue with trigger.
The trigger change change boolean ticket object to “yes” when I update the ticket.
I want to update manually object “Lu” to “No” without triggered.

Actual behavior:

But currently if I manually set the boolean to “no” (see screnshot below), when I update ticket, object “Lu” go to “Yes” bescause it triggers but If I set manually “Lu” i don’t want to triggered.
How can I do that ?

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

Your conditions are not enough to ensure that this is not happening.
You need to add more criteria to ensure this does not happen.

For instance, if this shall only happen when adding article, you might want to tell Zammad that it should ensure action is updated and article type is something.

Right now ANY update will affect this trigger to fire.

Ok thanks for your reply. I will try to add conditions to avoid this problem.

It works.
Thanks for your reply.

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