Follow-up Feature not working


  • Used Zammad version: latest
  • Used Zammad installation type: (source, package, docker-compose, …) source
  • Operating system: Ubuntu latest
  • Browser + version: Chrome latest

Expected behavior:

  • Merging Mails with same Sender and identical Subject together

Actual behavior:

  • Open two tickets :confused:

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  • Send two mails to zammad with same Sender and Subject.

Zammad does not do that by design.

For you, that behavior would be desirable, for others Zammad should behave as is.

Either merge the tickets manually or you could post a feature request. Has to be configurable though.

That’s not exactly true.
Zammad does automatically merge tickets from the same sender with the exact same subject in a limitted time frame after initial creation.

Hard to tell what’s going and how long the time period in between is.


In my case was 1 hour 30 minutes.
100% same subject, same sender and recipient, only difference in the body is “warning” and “success”.
It´s from a monitoring system mail to our support address.

Try it on a fresh installed zammad. Not working.
It works for someone?

Isn´t working…
I think this is a basic really important feature.

I doubt that all requirements are met so the function doesn’t trigger. Possibly the mail comes via a different mailbox which may be an issue.

For the other detection methods it’s hard to tell if everything you provided as information “isn’t working”.

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