[solved] SMS Notification

  • Used Zammad version: 2.7
  • Used Zammad installation source: Package
  • Operating system: CentOs 7

Expected behavior:
How to i connect to my custom SMS Provider?
My SMS provider send message with the following format


How could i configure my zammad SMS Notification to use it? Is it possible if i put Provider to Masseversand? If yes what will be Gateway/Token/Sender ?

Sorry I guess this is a bit out of scope.
You could check the massenversand API documentation to see if your custom provider works the same so you could use that one.

Officially we can’t support leaving the path from the two providers we do support. :frowning:

Would you please let me know that the exact files in zammad need to be customize?

If i modify
massenversand_spec.rb in spec\models\channel\driver\sms
massenversand.rb in in app\models\channel\driver\sms
Need to rebuild or any additional action in zammad command line?

Changing ruby files shouldn’t require any further actions except for a service restart of Zammad.
Please be aware that this is not update safe.

Thank you @ MrGeneration

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