Title: smime signing for system notifications
- What is your original issue/pain point you want to solve?
It is possible to modify the system notifications described in the documentation.
Is there any chance to sign these outgoing emails with smime?
- Which are one or two concrete situations where this problem hurts the most?
all emails send as system notification are not signed
- Why is it not solvable with the Zammad standard?
Does not apply.
- What is your expectation/what do you want to achieve?
That I can sign all outgoing system messages.
A shame that you’ve asked technical questions in a “feature request”. I moved your thread to technical assistance for this reason.
Oh, I’m awfully sorry.
Nonetheless, I’m quite sure it is no technical question, because there is no solution to this in the docs.
Does no one have the same requirement and a solution?
Hi @soerendohmen. If you cannot find it here, it’s not available right now.
I searched there and here: admin -docs.zammad.org/en/latest/manage/trigger/system-notifications.html?highlight=notifications. It’s not in the docs. That’s why iI opened a feature request, but was moved to technical assistance.
@soerendohmen you can at least get it working for triggers in your system, but not all outgoing mail.
The reason why I’ve moved your “feature request” to technical question is this:
I don’t see sense in asking technical questions in feature requests. It bloats them up, creates potentially a lot of noise and thus may cover up important information on discussion that aim to actually bring a feature to life.
That’s nothing personal against you but me trying to help overview of things in this Community. You’re very welcome to create a feature request (without questions) that describes the issue and goal.
Thank you. I know that and did it, but I think it should be possible to sign all mails, as it is easier to trust them then.
I can understand that. The request I would create would just rephrase the question to a sentence, if you are ok with that.
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Yes of course! No worries