Show GitLab Ticket status in Zammad


I would like to requisition an additional feature where Zammad shows the status of GitLab tickets after I activate the GitLab integration in Zammad. I can already see flags or statuses added to tickets as shown here (GitHub / GitLab Integration — Zammad User Documentation documentation), but I do not know when an issue has been resolved.

For a use case: when I reach the extent of my technical knowledge, I forward tickets to tech and link the GitLab issue, which works perfectly. However, I always have to manually as tech for ticket updates and how everything is going until I can get back to my customer on resolving their issue. This seems cumbersome and could potentially be optimized if I knew when my tech team has closed and/or resolved an issue.

Ideally, I would like to see the status under the already present flags that are present in Zammad.

I would like to think that this feature would help everyone that has a tech team that tracks their issues in or works with GitLab.

Thank you very much, kind regards

Sorry I’m confused - Zammad DOES this already.

The circle will turn green if the issue has been closed.
Zammad also regulary keeps updating the state within the ticket view.

Possibly I’m just not getting your whole idea. What status are you talking about?

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