Sensitive information in logs

Hi there,

I’d like to contribute to Zammad, and I figure this makes a good starting off place.

Currently Zammad logs some sensitive information to the logs. We really want to tighten this down.

In particular, Zammad logs the IP address of the user on every request:

I, [2018-10-22T15:02:17.517447 #670]  INFO -- : Started GET "/" for at 2018-10-22 15:02:17 +0000

Also, on login the username is logged:

I, [2018-10-22T15:02:34.327476 #670]  INFO -- : Processing by SessionsController#create as JSON
I, [2018-10-22T15:02:34.327673 #670]  INFO -- :   Parameters: {"username"=>"", "password"=>"[FILTERED]", "fingerprint"=>"-1380143529"}

Another instance when PII can spill into the logs is when the POST to elastic search fails:

I, [2018-10-22T15:02:34.327476 #670]  INFO -- : Processing by SessionsController#create as JSON
I, [2018-10-22T15:02:34.327673 #670]  INFO -- :   Parameters: {"username"=>"", "password"=>"[FILTERED]", "fingerprint"=>"-1380143529"}

Another instance when PII can spill into the logs is when the POST to elastic search fails:

E, [2018-10-22T15:02:38.206232 #672] ERROR -- : 2018-10-22T15:02:38+0000: [Worker(host:li1381-89 pid:672)] Job BackgroundJobSearchIndex (id=20614) FAILED (0 prior attempts) with RuntimeError: Unable to process POST request to elasticsearch URL 'http://localhost:9200/zammad_production/User/37'. Check the response and payload for detailed information: 

#<UserAgent::Result:0x00007f0aa65c7b70 @success=false, @body=nil, @data=nil, @code="400", @content_type=nil, @error="Client Error: #<Net::HTTPBadRequest 400 Bad Request readbody=true>!">

{"id"=>37, "organization_id"=>nil, "login"=>"", "firstname"=>"Abel", "lastname"=>"GP", "email"=>"", "web"=>"", "phone"=>"", "fax"=>"", "mobile"=>"", "department"=>"", "street"=>"", "zip"=>"", "city"=>"", "country"=>"", "address"=>"", "vip"=>false, "verified"=>false, "active"=>true, "note"=>"", "last_login"=>Mon, 22 Oct 2018 15:02:34 UTC +00:00, "out_of_office"=>false, "out_of_office_start_at"=>nil, "out_of_office_end_at"=>nil, "out_of_office_replacement_id"=>nil, "preferences"=>{"notification_config"=>{"matrix"=>{"create"=>{"criteria"=>{"owned_by_me"=>true, "owned_by_nobody"=>true}, "channel"=>{"email"=>false, "online"=>true}}, "update"=>{"criteria"=>{"owned_by_me"=>true, "owned_by_nobody"=>true}, "channel"=>{"email"=>false, "online"=>true}}, "reminder_reached"=>{"criteria"=>{"owned_by_me"=>true}, "channel"=>{"email"=>false, "online"=>true}}, "escalation"=>{"criteria"=>{"owned_by_me"=>true}, "channel"=>{"email"=>false, "online"=>true}}}, "group_ids"=>["1"]}, "locale"=>"en-us", "intro"=>true, "notification_sound"=>{"file"=>"Xylo.mp3", "enabled"=>true}}, "updated_by_id"=>1, "created_by_id"=>3, "created_at"=>Wed, 20 Jun 2018 15:56:55 UTC +00:00, "updated_at"=>Mon, 22 Oct 2018 15:02:34 UTC +00:00, "nickname"=>"", "permissions"=>["admin", "admin.user", "", "admin.role", "admin.organization", "admin.overview", "admin.text_module", "admin.macro", "admin.tag", "admin.calendar", "admin.sla", "admin.scheduler", "admin.report_profile", "admin.channel_web", "admin.channel_formular", "admin.channel_email", "admin.channel_twitter", "admin.channel_facebook", "admin.channel_telegram", "admin.channel_chat", "admin.branding", "admin.setting_system", "", "admin.ticket", "admin.package", "admin.integration", "admin.api", "admin.object", "admin.translation", "admin.monitoring", "admin.maintenance", "admin.session", "user_preferences", "user_preferences.password", "user_preferences.notifications", "user_preferences.access_token", "user_preferences.language", "user_preferences.linked_accounts", "user_preferences.device", "user_preferences.avatar", "user_preferences.calendar", "user_preferences.out_of_office", "report", "ticket.agent", "chat.agent", "cti.agent"], "role_ids"=>[1, 2]}

Ideally this data should not be printed to the log at all, or there should be an option to suppress the info in the logs.

Another strategy other projects have taken, is to output all PII under a low-priority log level (such as debug or trace). Any output to INFO or higher is guaranteed to not have PII. One could achieve this by outputting the error message to the ERROR level and then the details (e.g., elasticsearch POST payload) to the DEBUG level.

Before I start writing code for this, does the development team have any input on what strategy to take to solve this?


In production I changed log level from info to fatal. Before that, Zammad was generating 1GB of log every day due to misconfiguration of elasticsearch. Anyway you raised a serious concern

That’s a good point @edneymatias, there should likely be an option to disable or suppress elasticsearch. Only logging to level FATAL is a workaround, but when running a production instance it is useful to have WARN and ERROR messages (if not also INFO).

But I’m primarily concerned with PII being logged. Perhaps the Zammad developers could let us know what they think about this proposal?

I think @thorsteneckel is the best source here :rocket:

As @edneymatias stated the currently best solution is to set the log level to FATAL. We’re planning to have a “privacy” version of Zammad in the future.

Thanks @thorsteneckel and @MrGeneration.

As I mentioned, setting the log level to FATAL isn’t sufficient for our deployments. But more importantly, we want to help contribute code now to mitigate these problems, rather than wait for this bug to be fixed in a future version. (hence why I’m posting under the “Development” category :wink:)

In my original post I outlined a potential strategy we could implement to solve this issue. Is it a sound strategy? Would you accept PRs along those lines?

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I can understand that you want less entries inside the log.
Of course, PRs are always welcome.
Personally I’d love to see this changed (maybe with a Switch you can set on GUI to “Fill my Logfiles, Scotty” :stuck_out_tongue: )