Role assignment breaks agent notifications


  • Used Zammad version: 2.3
  • Used Zammad installation source: deb package
  • Operating system: Ubuntu 16.04
  • Browser + version: Latest Firefox and Chrome

Since version 2.3 I started to setup the user role magement differently.
At first there where only the roles Admin, Agent and Customer available.
So each agent had the rights assigned to Agent and specific selections for their Groups.

With this setup every agent could make individual configurations in its profile for every group and the notifications to receive.

Then I changed the setup.
I created new roles for agents which now combine group assignments. This way I only need to change the role and every agent assigned to it would have the new settings.

First thing I noticed was that the agent don’t has the possibility anymore to change the notifications according to groups within his profile settings. Since the groups the agent is in are not directly selected in the user account anymore.
After some days the first agents reported to me that they don’t get any notifications (next to the search field from the zammad logo bird) anymore.
Now I’m trying to figure out what’s happening.
I did reverse the settings and switched an agent back to the direct configuration of groups and roles.
The notifications work as expected.

But the new configuration is also working for some agents.

Expected behavior:

  • The new possibility of interleaved group settings makes it easier to manage multiple agents with different group access
  • The notifications settings should be accessible for the admin or the agent

Actual behavior:

  • The notification cannot be set anymore in the agent profile if the groups are not directly set to the user
  • The agent doesn’t receive any notifications if they are not assigned directly to its user.

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  • change the group and role settings for a user

I’m quite clueless now how it is intended to work and even have a hard time figuring out if I could get back to the “normal” behavior.
I’m thankful for every help and insight to the role and group topic.

Also I could test that if an agent has no direct group assigned, a newly created ticket does not show up in the left ticket sidebar.
The agent can create the ticket in the group because he is assigned to it via another role as I showed above.
If the agent is assigned directly, the newly created ticket immediately shows up in the sidebar to work on.

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