Reporting Error - Status Code 500


  • Used Zammad version: 5.0.1
  • Used Zammad installation type: original repository
  • Operating system: debian10
  • Browser + version: Firefox / Chrome

Expected behavior:

  • a running reporting system on Zammad v5.x

Actual behavior:

  • My actual problem is that the reporting is not working. Elasticsearch will not start. In the LOGs it says the zammad data is created with v4.x and i need Elasticsearch v6.x.
    But Elasticsearch v6.x is not compatible with zammad v5.0.1.
    Is it possible to install zammad v4.1 from repository?

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

Zammad 5.x required Elasticsearch 7.8 and higher.
Please check software dependencies before updating - see:

Updating Zammad is described here:

Please note that Elasticsearch has a specific expactation on how to upgrade Elasticsearch - see:

so there is no possibility to install Zammad 4.x from repo?

Sorry but what has this to do with a too old Elasticsearch version?
Downgrading Zammad is not supported nor recommended.

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