Report show custom object organization attributes

Expected behavior:

I added a custom attribute for organization called “Kundennummer”. When I download a report as excel-sheet I expect that die excel sheet includes this custom attribute.

Actual behavior:

But “Kundennummer” doesn’t exist in Excel. Only custom-attribute added to a ticket are included, but custom-attributes added to organization are not included.

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to Settings > Objects > Organization and add a custom attribute
  2. Go to Settings > Organizations, edit and add some Information to this custom attribute
  3. now go to Reports and download some Records as Excel-Sheet (Download-Button)
    The custom-attribute is unfortunately missing in excel-sheet.

Please help!

  • Used Zammad version: Version 3.3.x
  • Operating system: Kubuntu 20.04
  • Browser + version: Firefox 76

Correct, report exports do only contain ticket attributes.
This is currently working as designed, as far as I’m aware.

Is there a workaround to solve this problem for the self-hosted version of zammad?

Beside of custom coding, no.
Sorry, but this is as far as I can help.

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