Reply to a new ticket via mail


  • Used Zammad version: 4.1.0
  • Used Zammad installation type: package and docker-compose
  • Operating system: Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS
  • Browser + version: Chrome 93.0.4577.82 and Safari 14.1.1

Expected behavior:

  • When I receive a notification in the mail about a new ticket, I reply to it with an email and the customer receives a reply. I do not always have the Internet and it is often easier to answer a letter than to go to the web interface and there it is fully

Actual behavior:

  • A notification is sent to the mail with a return address, to which there is no answer and the only option to answer is to open the web and work there. This is often inconvenient. Many issues can be resolved without opening the web interface.

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

Zammad does not allow agents to reply on their notification mails to answer tickets.
This has several reasons and is working as designed.

Maybe you can somehow emulate this behavior? For example, do autosubscribe to do or something else?
In general, I still do not understand in what cases I receive a response from the user by letter, and in what cases only notifications come from zammad.

Agents can disable the notifications at any time if they feel it’s too much or useless to them:

If you believe your use case is a useful functionality that should be available in Zammad, please create a feature request on in the Feature Request category.
This allows other community users to vote on your approach and give us a hint on how important the functionality might be.

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