Reply on email, instead of logging into the website

Heey everybody.

I was wondering if it was posibble if i could reply the customer through the email i get when the customer is opening a new ticket?

Everytime a customer opens a new ticket i normally get a nortification through my email, could i reply on that email so the customer get the respond, instead of replying him through thezammad website?


Yes, they can reply through email, but make sure agent click reply on ticket message to receive through email as well

Thank you for the answer.

i cant find that option, where should i look at?


if the ticket is created from the email, if you look at the bottom of message in zammad there is reply together with split .

you need to configure first your email account and assigned to the groups

I have configureded the email account, but the only way i could respond the mail and respond the ticket at the same time is if i but my mail as “CC”

Is there any way other that?


you mean even the agent you want is to reply using email and not to website?

i thought you want to reply the customer via email using website and not update the ticket using note

Everytime time a new ticket is coming into the website, i normally get a mail that a new ticket has arrived.

But instead of me going into the website to answer it, could i in possible way answer that mail directly and the customer gets the respond? Hope you understand :slight_smile:


1st the email you received is from the website (notification)
and I think only cc like what you did is the workaround

For me i used zammad to answer all inquiries in one system.

I used zammad to limit the use of email, or other system to answer the inquiry.

Thank you alot, for trying to help.

So there is no way around, only with CC, you think?


Sir @MrGeneration can answer to that Sir :slight_smile:

Thank you alot for your time.

Zammad does not support this function at the moment.

Replying to such a E-Mail could put a answer into Zammad, but will not notify the customer in a way that is desired (my opinion). Also it will take more time manipulating your E-Mail-Answer as it will save to open the WebApp. But that’s just my thoughts

This seems counter-intuitive to me. If you receive an email notification from Zammad and then want to reply to the email to generate a response back to the customer you are using Zammad as a middleman effectively. Almost like a mailserver.

In this case why wouldn’t you just have them email you directly and reply directly. If you don’t want to have to log into the helpdesk, then why have the helpdesk?

If i was emailing them directly i will not have control with any of my tickets. That the good part of zammad that i have control of my tickets and know when a ticked is escalated or not. I will not have that funtion with mailing wiith the customer.

Another point would be

  • Ensuring that the E-Mail leaves the system with the correct signature

You can’t do that when parsing mail content, at least not reliable, as you need to cut signature stuff, but it has to be legit.

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