Re-Migration / Diff-Sync for Zendesk Migration

  • Used Zammad version: 4.0.0
  • Used Zammad installation type: package
  • Operating system: Debian 10

The OTRS migration / import process offers a diff sync: Migration from OTRS — Zammad documentation

But if I look at the rails console, I can’t find a call called: Import::Zendesk.diff_worker

Is there no diff sync fpr Zendesk? I have migrated a Zendesk system with over 20.000 Tickets and it took about 7-8 hours. Meanwhile new tickets etc. have been entered in Zendesk and I would like to import these additional tickets and updates on existing tickets.

Is there a way for this?

Many thanks in advance,

I have found an issue from August 2017 at github that describes this.

Would be great to have a diff-/delta-import in Zendesk similar to the one in OTRS.


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