Public Menu not showing


  • Used Zammad version: 3.1
  • Used Zammad installation source: from source on ubuntu 16.04
  • Operating system: windows 10
  • Browser + version: Edge

Expected behavior:

  • Showing of the public menu links in the knowledge base

Actual behavior:

  • Nothing happens

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  • When I enter a link and name in the public menu tab, nothing is shown, I am using the webportal to add the public menu links.

Are you working with several languages?
If so, ensure that the links you added are in the displayed language.

Otherwise, please providde screenshots that will help us more.
The provided information is not enough to help you proberly.

I am working with a single language, Dutch. I followed the setup as described in the documentation.

The color that is chosen for the icons and headers of the knowledge base is also not being shown, while I can confirm it is being stored. Is it possible something went wrong during the setup of Zammad? Could these issues be related?

That’s actually working as designed.
The Public Menu is for the pubc page ( https://your.domain.tld/help ) and not the “internal” interface.

Shouldn’t be related (I can’t reproduce that).
Maybe do a clean reload to ensure your Browser didn’t cache anything and if that doesn’t work check if your developer console shows the correct colors of the icons.

MIght be Browser related (Edge and Internet Explorer sometimes are a pest)

Okay, my bad. I was not aware of the url with /help extension.
The colors are conveyed just fine to that page as well.
Thank you very much for the quick responses and sorry for the bother this should not have been necessary.

Kind regards.

No worries, we’re here to help. :slight_smile:
If your browser doesn’t display it (like it should, feel welcome to open a Github-Issue because we’d need to adjust that).

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