Open tickets via link within the browser session


we often use links to another tickets via the function of Zammad (shift ctrl 3x . ) or the direct browserlink in notifications also.
Now we have the problem, that Zammad doesn’t allowed to work with this links.
When you already work in Zammad and click on a link Zammad recently open a new browser tab to open this link. I would like to see this ticket in my Zammad tabs on the left side within my actual session I’m working with.

I think this is a bug (unfortunately my issue is closed in Github), because the function to create links (shift ctrl 3x . ) is one from Zammad. And it’s not possible to work with them.

These are two types of links we use in ticketposts for example:


And this is the result when you click on them:


This currently is by design so we can ensure to have only one draft version of draft tickets.
Other wise we would have to decide which draft to use etc.

This has been discussed several times on this board.
This is also why I’ve closed your bug report as question.

I think it’s a bit different.
I am logged in and therefore I would like to avoid a new browser tab.
I mean it works fine the links in linking tickets, this is also a link i guess:


We also had that topic several times already.
There’s technically no (clean) way to recognize a specific URL being open in any browser tab already and thus jump into that tab and open the link in question.

If you try to open the linked ticket in a new browser tab the same session thing will happen.
Again, by design.

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