office 365 callback azure not working


  • Used Zammad version: 6.3.1-1721886578.f7062be2.noble di Zammad
  • Used Zammad installation type: package
  • Operating system: *
  • Browser + version: google chrome

Expected behavior:

Actual behavior:

  • After following all the steps in the documentation to configure Office 365 in Azure for Zammad, I find that I cannot enter http callback url but only https.
    if I change the system from http to https in the next login I receive the invalid crf token message.
    I also tried with imap and pop3 even though they are enabled in 365 admin.
    Can you help me set up Office 365? I’m unable to work on my new installation.

Steps to reproduce the behavior:


The callback address should be a public IP (or better FQDN) which is accessible from the outside of your network and protected by a valid SSL certificate, not a self signed one.
like e.g.…

The address does point to an internal address which is most probably not accessible from Azure itself.


The problem is that the callback URL that you’ve configured in your Azure-App does not fit what Zammad is configured to. That’s the issue, ensure your Zammad-FQDN is configured correctly (don’t forget to restart it) and that the callback URL is what Zammad tells you in Azure.

Azure / Microsoft does not call the callback URL, but redirects the local Browser to it. So it doesn’t matter if they can access the resource or not.

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Ok that’s is true.

But if i change the fqdn on zammad ( i have just set on my dns server) and set from http to https ( because on azure is only permit the https callback) it’s still no working.
and if i reboot zammad it’s impossibile enter because the token is invalid.
Someone let me specify the correct configuration?
or a remote support?

Even in local networks https is your friend. If you want to use Microsoft services, make sure Zammad runs via https - a domain name is not a hard requirement. But http type and fqdn of Zammad have to match up what your user uses. As simple as that.

Thanks for the tips, I set the fqdn in and inserted it into my DNS server.
My Zammad answers on port 8080 (

The last step remains for me to change from http to https, but if I do it from zammad oui when I restart it tells me crf token is invalid.
Can you tell me what I’m doing wrong? Tha’s is essential to connect azure service, because de url callback on azure accept ONLY https