Office 365 authentication not pulling all user details


  • Used Zammad version: 5.0
  • Used Zammad installation type: package
  • Operating system: Ubuntu 20.04
  • Browser + version: Edge

Expected behavior:

  • When users are created in Zammad via the Office 365 authentication it should pull in all the basic user details. Such as Firstname, Lastname, Email, Phone, Department etc

Actual behavior:

  • Only pulls in Firstname, Lastname & Email details. Missing phone and department fields.

I’m unsure if this is to be expected but the users I have pulled in have phone and department details within Azure AD and its not getting pulled down upon user logging in to Zammad for the first time. Do I need to add more API MS Graph permissions to allow this or is this not going to work?

Thanks in advance

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For me the grat option could be possibility to map field “alternateEmailAddress” from MS365 as email adddress to user in zammad.

I’m afraid this currently works as designed.
Please create a feature request here if you believe this should be improved:

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